See the world film premiere JAKARTA JAKARTA! a film by Vincent Moon at LeeGuessWho? ON/OFF  this SAT, 14 NOV 2020 at 15.00 CET and SUN, 15 NOV 2020 at 12.10 CET. Jakarta Jakarta! is a unique sonic portrait of Indonesia’s megacity and its chaos. It ranges from Dangdut street musicians to Gamelan theatre ensemble,…

ruangrupa (2000-2014)

ruangrupa (spelled and written with a lowercase ‘r’) was founded in Jakarta in 2000 by a group of artists. the founders felt that there was a great necessity for “space” (physically and mentally) in Jakarta, where artists could work intensively and could direct their attention more to means of analysis and less to means of…

Lumbung Story

Seven skinny cows gobble seven fat ones. They sequentially appear in your dream. Seven dry wheat stalks and seven wet wheat stems emerge. You are awake. Your mind is struck by the dream’s oddness. You have a hunch that it is a sign, perhaps a message from the universe? The increasing confusion leads you to…