Artist in Residence – Consume, For Sale!

  (To eat or drink something, especially in large amounts, to use something in such way that it cannot be reused or recovered afterward, to fill somebody’s mind opr attention fully (usually passive), to buy goods or services produced by other people) The culture of consumerism has various positive and negative impacts on the people…

Art Project – Public Holiday, Picnic Kit

  Holidays are a distinct phenomenon in Jakarta. The impact of holiday activities, apart from being a target for the entertainment industry, also involves other cities, especially the city of Bandung which must facilitate the busy visit of Jakarta people. Individuals as subjects have various meanings and activities for their holidays. Where the small narratives…

Workshop – Playground, Let The Kids Play

  The development of Jakarta’s urban planning and the development of game technology has had an impact on changing the games for small children. The number of new types of games has resulted in reduced social and physical interaction between young children, this is supported by the very lack of playgrounds in Jakarta. Each individual…

Artist in Residence – Working, Man at Work

  Date: 29 March – 30 April 2006 (Capable of being used or operated, engaged in doing paid work, good enough for a purpose, though not perfect or complete, useable as a basis for further work) Efforts to survive in Jakarta have various economic backgrounds that determine education, choices and opportunities. Where this then has…

Your Welcome Rethinking Nordic Colonialism: A Postcolonial Exhibition Project in Five Acts

  Your Welcome Rethinking Nordic Colonialism: A Postcolonial Exhibition Project in Five Acts Tórshavn, Pulau Faroe, Denmark 12 May 2006 – 4 June 2006 Curator: Kuratorisk Aktion (Frederikke Hansen &Tone Olaf Nielsen) Rethinking Nordic Colonialism tries to talk about history in five stages which include exhibitions, workshops, conferences, face-to-face meetings, and other events taking place…